by Beth Staats
Quick Summary
Ebooks MN for Schools is a subset of Ebooks Minnesota. It contains titles specifically aimed at elementary and middle-level students. Ebooks MN for Schools also offers some specific filters for students, teachers, educators, and parents.

Ebooks MN for Schools is a subset of Ebooks Minnesota. It contains titles specifically aimed at elementary and middle-level students. It currently contains almost 8,000 titles, 500 of which are Spanish-language. Ebooks MN for Schools also offers some specific filters for students, teachers, educators, and parents. These include the ability to locate books by interest and/or reading grade level, Lexile, Fountas & Pinnell, and accelerated reading level, reading counts and guided reading.
The top 5 books & views of the past 30 days give a glimpse into what students are reading and/or using for research within the collection. These titles include:
Morocco (from the Country Explorer series published by Lerner)
Ancient Egypt: dig up the secrets of the dead (from Edge Books History Hunters)
Cold, colder, coldest : animals that adapt to cold weather (from Animal Extremes, Picture Window Books)
The Gingerbread Man (from Read It! readers. Yellow level, Picture Window Books)
Jason Strange 23 Crow's Perch (Stone Arch Books)
If you're interested in learning more about Ebooks MN for Schools or MackinVIA contact Beth Staats or sign up for one of the upcoming webinars.