by Beth Staats
Quick Summary
Ebooks Minnesota now includes titles from Rosen Publishing and it's imprints including, Enslow Elementary, Cavendish Square, and Lucent Press.

Just in time for the school year, Ebooks Minnesota now includes titles from Rosen Publishing and it's imprints including, Enslow Elementary, Cavendish Square, and Lucent Press. Rosen Publishing, Inc. is an independent educational publishing house established in 1950 to serve the needs of students in pre-K through grade 12 with high interest, curriculum-correlated materials. Below you can find links to these newly added titles that touch on some real hot-button issues.
Are You Downloading Copyrighted Stuff? Stealing or Fair Use
Are you Misusing Other People's Words?
Etiquette at School
Cross-Cultural Etiquette
Dating Etiquette and Sexual Respect
Coming Out as Transgender
Identifying as Transgender
Helping a Friend Who is Being Bullied
The Inquisition: The quest for absolute religious power
The Rise of ISIS: The modern age of terrorism
Beyond Slavery: African Americans from emancipation to today
Slavery in North America
Native Americans in Early North America
E-Cigarettes The Risks of Addictive Nicotine and Toxic Chemicals
The Pros and Cons of Coal
The Pros and Cons of Natural Gas and Fracking
The Pros and Cons of Offshore Drilling
The Salem Witchcraft Trials: Would you join the madness?
The Underground Railroad: Would you help them escape?