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ProQuest has added new titles and new publishers to Ebook Central.

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from ProQuest:

With over 190,000* new titles added to Ebook Central in 2024, our catalogue now offers more than
2.4 million titles. This comprehensive selection gives you access to a wide range of publishers,
authors, and works from around the world to enhance your library’s ebook collection.

New Content Highlights:

  • Editis, a leading French publisher, added over 10,000 titles to Ebook Central, offering a wide range of valuable academic, educational, and cultural resources for academic libraries.
  • Brush Education, an Independent Canadian academic publisher, is now on Ebook Central. Content covers a variety of subjects - including Law, Indigenous Studies, Mental Health, Education, Social Science, and Healthcare.
  • Euromed Communications, new to Ebook Central, offers specialized content on pharmaceutical, healthcare, and regulatory topics.
  • Oxford University Press adds 700+ English Language Teaching books, designed to fit seamlessly into existing curricula to build language skills for both English learners and readers who need an extra boost.

Written by

Anne Hatinen
Electronic Resources Librarian
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