by Anne Hatinen
Quick Summary
Project MUSE is pleased to announce that five titles have been confirmed to join their curated journal collections beginning in 2024.

Project MUSE is pleased to announce five titles confirmed to join their curated Journal Collections beginning in 2024:
- Journal of Global Postcolonial Studies
- The Journal of Race & Policy
- Quebec Studies
- Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society
- Transactions of the American Philosophical Society
All titles will be included in the Premium Collection. Selected titles have also been added to other Project MUSE journal collections for 2024. See our Collection Updates page for full details. Journal Collection pricing for 2024 is now available; Minitex will be sending your pricing out in the next two weeks.
MUSE is continuing with preparations to launch a coordinated multi-publisher Subscribe to Open program, built around their current curated collections, for the 2025 subscription term. With more than 800 current journals in the humanities and social sciences on its platform from close to 200 nonprofit publishers, MUSE is uniquely positioned to develop and deploy an S2O program at scale for a significant number of its journals. Through the support of MUSE’s vast community of publishers and libraries worldwide, the S2O program will open a wealth of vital scholarship in disciplines not well served by other open access (OA) models. MUSE is currently securing participation commitments from publishers and individual journal titles, and expects to share further details before the end of the year.
Project MUSE offers a variety of curated journal collection options to suit the needs of many kinds of libraries. MUSE journal products provide a rich resource for teaching and research in the humanities and social sciences. As a not-for-profit working only with not-for-profit publishers, Project MUSE strives to provide excellent value at fair, affordable prices to libraries. See the For Librarians section of our web site for more information about the available journal products, including a downloadable chart comparing the titles available in each collection. Free 45-day trial access to MUSE journal collections is available to qualifying libraries, by completing a trial request form.
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