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RILM Music Encyclopedias is adding five titles to its ever-expanding music reference collection, bringing the total to 54 specially curated titles.

In January 2019, the following titles will be available:

Real-Lexikon der Musikinstrumente
In 1913, Curt Sachs conceived what was then the most comprehensive survey of musical instruments in 200 years. This revised edition features 500 additional entries and corrections.

Diccionario biográfico
A noted teacher of the guitar, Domingo Prat published the comprehensive Diccionario biográfico... de guitarristas in July 1934 building on a number of earlier lexicons and histories of the guitar.

The stringed instruments of the Middle Ages
This English translation of Hortense Panum’s illustrated history of medieval stringed instruments traces their first appearance in the records of the earliest civilizations to modern times.

A survey of musical instruments
Building on Curt Sachs’s Real-Lexikon, Sibyl Marcuse’s compendium focuses on musical instruments of the Western world and considers, to some extent, their non-Western counterparts.

Musical instruments: A comprehensive dictionary
Sibyl Marcuse’s dictionary offers thousands of entries on instruments from prehistoric times to the electronic instruments of today, with cross-references for additional information.

Learn more.

Written by

Anne Hatinen
Electronic Resources Librarian
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