by Ann Kaste
Quick Summary
Registration for ERMN Conference 2022 is now open. We hope you will join us for the conference on January 26 - 27, 2022. Also, consider registering for the optional pre-conference workshop on the afternoon of Tuesday, January 25 (“Library Carpentry: Tidy data for librarians” led by Stacie Traill and Wanda Marsolek).

Registration for ERMN Conference 2022 is now open. We hope you will join us for the conference on January 26 - 27, 2022. Also, consider registering for the optional pre-conference workshop on the afternoon of Tuesday, January 25 (“Library Carpentry: Tidy data for librarians” led by Stacie Traill and Wanda Marsolek).
Keynote speaker Scarlet Galvan will present “Talisman Dashboard.” Scarlet is the Area Lead for Assessment and Planning, and Collection Strategist Librarian at Grand Valley State University Libraries. At GVSU she develops and leads efforts toward a more sustainable, open collection. Her research focuses on the sociopolitical aspects of library services platforms and scholarly communications. Scarlet serves as a member of Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition’s (SPARC) Executive Steering Committee. When not negotiating resources for the library, she writes science fiction and makes soap.
ERMN 2022 will feature an exciting program of speakers and opportunities for discussion with e-resources colleagues. Registration closes January 21, 2022 or when capacity is reached.