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Quick Summary

ProQuest Research Companion is a new technology designed by ProQuest, with the aid of writing instructors and librarians because, as you know, there's a need to provide students with new ways and means to become successful and continue their studies....


ProQuest Research Companion is a new technology designed by ProQuest, with the aid of writing instructors and librarians because, as you know, there's a need to provide students with new ways and means to become successful and continue their studies. While there are literacy programs on the market, and citation/bibliographic tools; there's nothing that's interactive and designed specifically to help students improve their critical thinking skills and guide them through the process of Finding, Evaluating and Using information. The power behind some of the evaluation tools is Bowker Books In Print and Ulrich's Serials; providing evaluation for Serial titles and Books as well as URLs.

ProQuest Research Companion offers researchers one place to learn and to quickly get answers. The multimedia-based Learning Modules engage students to think more critically and creatively about their research, while powerful, interactive Tools help students navigate through the research process more quickly to spend more time on the research that interests them most. The responsive design means it's adaptable to all devices--laptops, tablets, and smart phones.

For more information, please contact PQ rep Kim Levicki, 800-521-0600, xt 74012.

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