by Rita Baladad
Quick Summary
On Saturday, August 8, ProQuest will be upgrading its systems infrastructure to improve performance, security, and overall reliability of your products.

On Saturday, August 8, ProQuest will be upgrading its systems infrastructure to improve performance, security, and overall reliability of your products. The system maintenance window is scheduled to begin at 10:00 PM American Eastern Standard Time and will last for eight (8) hours.
Click to see what time this maintenance window will occur in your region.
During this time access to the ProQuest products listed below will not be available and users will be re-directed to a webpage explaining the scheduled maintenance:
Research databases
- ProQuest platform (
- ProQuest Congressional (
- ProQuest Dialog (
- Chadwyck-Healey databases (full list available here)
- CultureGrams
- eLibrary (all editions)
- ProQuest Digital Microfilm
- ProQuest Obituaries
- ProQuest Research Companion
- SIRS (all editions)
Dissertation publishing
- ProQuest/UMI ETD Administrator
Reference management/Research support tools
- RefWorks
- COS Funding Opportunities
- COS Scholar Universe
Bibliographic and catalog enrichment resources
- Books in Print®
- LibraryThing for Libraries™
- ProQuest Syndetic Solutions™
- Resources for College Libraries
- TitlePage
- SAN (Standard Address Number)