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OCLC has launched WorldCat Discovery Services, making it possible for library staff and users currently using FirstSearch to move to a richer discovery experience. WorldCat Discovery has been developed and refined based on input and feedback from a 30-member Advisory...


OCLC has launched WorldCat Discovery Services, making it possible for library staff and users currently using FirstSearch to move to a richer discovery experience. WorldCat Discovery has been developed and refined based on input and feedback from a 30-member Advisory Group and more than 650 FirstSearch beta test libraries around the world.

WorldCat Discovery Services comprise the new suite of cloud-based applications that brings the FirstSearch and WorldCat Local services together. The new suite enables staff and users to discover more than 1.5 billion electronic, digital and physical resources in libraries around the world through a single search of both WorldCat and a central index that represents nearly 2,000 e-content collections. The new interface has been built using responsive web design principles and is natively optimized for use across desktops, laptops, tablets and smartphones.

WorldCat Discovery Services are now available to thousands of current FirstSearch subscribers as part of existing subscriptions. FirstSearch will operate in parallel with WorldCat Discovery through December 31, 2015, allowing libraries to choose their transition timing. WorldCat Discovery is available initially to libraries in the United States, Canada, Latin America, Australia and New Zealand. It will be made available to libraries in Asia and Europe, Middle East and Africa in the coming weeks.

FirstSearch libraries can review migration information, and register their intent to transition to the new service. Multiple training sessions, such as online courses and video tutorials, are available to help libraries make a smooth transition to WorldCat Discovery.

Current WorldCat Local and WorldShare Management Services libraries can begin to use WorldCat Discovery Services during a beta period that begins in April. WorldCat Discovery Services can also be tailored to enhance the local discovery experience through additional fee-based options.

Sign up for a Webinar on WorldCat Discovery Services to see how it works.

Start your transition to WorldCat Discovery today!

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