by Rita Baladad
Quick Summary
from OCLC
Would you and/or your staff be interested to participate in a very informal, small virtual focus group session for FirstSearch/WorldCat Discovery?

from OCLC
Would you and/or your staff be interested to participate in a very informal, small virtual focus group session for FirstSearch/WorldCat Discovery?
OCLC will appreciate your thoughts on the future direction for WorldCat Discovery. You have previously provided feedback on the service, so we are looking to you for input on some product changes under consideration. We hope you can spare an hour of time in early January to assist with this project. We will hold 1-hour WorldCat Discovery focus group sessions at the following times:
Wednesday, Jan 6, 4-5 pm ET (1-2 pm PT)
Thursday, Jan 7, 3-4 pm ET (noon-1 pm PT)
Tuesday, Jan 12, 4-5 pm ET (1-2 pm PT)
Please respond to Robin Cornette ( or 1-800-848-5878 extension 6111) with the times that are most convenient for you. We will follow up with a message that provides the appropriate login information for your preferred session. No preparation is necessary. Just bring your thinking cap!