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Quick Summary

from WoltersKluwer Ovid


from WoltersKluwer Ovid

In the coming months, we will be bringing you and your users a new and improved way to view and interact with select Ovid journal content. This new reading experience will deliver articles faster, be more mobile friendly, and add related article functionality. Please be sure to read this entire message as important changes to firewall and proxy setting are required to ensure this new functionality works properly at your institution. 

This new view will appear when a full text article is linked to from outside Ovid (e.g. an eTOC alert or a library discovery service). Searching or navigating within Ovid (from Ovid search results or navigating Journals@Ovid) will remain unchanged and the new experience will not affect any other functionality within Ovid. When you land on the enhanced article view, you will also have the option of returning to the traditional Ovid article view if you prefer.

Above is a preview of what the new reading experience will look like.

In order to ensure that the new article view functions properly, please see below for a list of URLs that must be enabled in your proxy servers or firewalls. We present two options, but you must implement one of these by June 1, 2018 to ensure uninterrupted access. Please forward this information to your network administrators as needed. 

Important: both options below list new URLs that require your attention. We encourage you to review this list ( now and periodically to ensure you've accounted for all the necessary URLs. 

Option 1 (Recommended): Add exceptions for the URLs below using wildcards. 

Please add exceptions for the following URLs using wildcards to your proxy servers or firewalls:


Why should I do this option?
Ovid is committed to making regular updates to its products. This may require us to use additional URLs to deliver your content to you and your users. If your network administrators allow it, opening up the domains above without any limitations will ensure you have uninterrupted access to Ovid content without having to make additional firewall or proxy changes in the future. 

Option 2: Add exceptions for the specific URLs below. 
Please add exceptions for the following specific URLs to your proxy servers or firewalls (a complete list of URLs is available at

Why should I do this option?
We understand that some of your institutions require more stringent proxy and firewall rules. Therefore, we want to proactively provide you with the necessary URLs. If you choose this option, you may need to make future changes to your network configuration as Ovid releases new features. Of course, we will communicate these to you with enough time to implement such changes.  

Feel free to contact Customer Support with any questions by sending an email to

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