by Rita Baladad
Quick Summary
from ERIC: We wanted to let you know that the new ERIC website is now live at We encourage you to check it out and email me your feedback directly at In the new site users can search...
from ERIC:
We wanted to let you know that the new ERIC website is now live at We encourage you to check it out and email me your feedback directly at
In the new site users can search for keywords, author, and title simultaneously
in the search box or they can use single terms. The way the findings are
displayed is new and was designed to both enhance clarity and to facilitate
narrowing of search results. Additional features and content will be added on an
ongoing basis through October.
Additionally, as ERIC transitions into a new contract cycle, there will be a
delay in indexing material. New material will not be released from August
through October. In October, the ERIC team will index any key material not
indexed during the transition period.
Thank you,
Erin Pollard
ERIC Project Officer
National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance
Institute of Education Sciences
U. S. Department of Education