from EBSCO:
From the Modern Language Association (MLA) and EBSCO, this new database combines the definitive index for the study of language, literature, linguistics, rhetoric and composition, folklore, film and teaching with an extensive collection of full text. Many of the most-used journals in the MLA International Bibliography are covered in full text, including Applied Linguistics, Critique, and College Composition & Communication. Request the title list here.
Features include:
- 1000 full text journals: full text for 1000 titles, including many of the most-used journals in the MLA International Bibliography
- Top scholarly publishers: contect from publishers like Taylor & Frances, Duke University Press, and Wiley-Blackwell
- Expert indexing: subject indexing by the MLA's staff of subject matter experts and by contributing scholars
- Extensive backfiles: a three-year backfile for the top 100 journals, and backfiles to the first issue for over 45 journals, with more to come
- MLA Directory of Periodicals: covering over 6000 journals and book series within the product scope
- MLA Thesaurus: consisting of more than 68,000 terms and 250,000 names