by Matt Lee
Quick Summary
Minitex helps libraries save money with our cooperative purchasing programs. Reports are being distributed now to our director contacts at Minnesota libraries that have worked with CPERS in the past year.

When libraries work with Minitex Cooperative Purchasing and Electronic Resources Services (CPERS), they not only save time through centralized billing and renewal processes, but also save money via negotiated group discounts. Minnesota libraries saved a total of $5.265 million last fiscal year (July 2019 - June 2020) by working with CPERS.
This tally is a combination of individual library savings. Every Minnesota library that has made a purchase with CPERS in the past year will soon receive a customized Cost Savings Report detailing their individual savings. Reports will be sent to library director contacts. If you have questions about these reports, or want to learn more about CPERS services, please reach out to us at