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from Emerald: In 2013, Emerald will be migrating to Atypon's Literatum online publishing platform. Literatum is widely recognized as an industry leader and will allow Emerald to offer an enhanced service to our librarian, author and researcher communities. We...


from Emerald:

In 2013, Emerald will be migrating to Atypon's Literatum online publishing platform. Literatum is widely recognized as an industry leader and will allow Emerald to offer an enhanced service to our librarian, author and researcher communities.

We appreciate that to offer you these enhancements will require some updates to existing processes and it is our aim to keep disruption and changes required by you to a minimum. We will ensure that specific details are communicated in the coming months and that relevant customer support is provided.

Here, our aim is to provide responses to some likely questions. We will keep these responses updated with more details throughout the process and welcome any further questions you may have. Please send your query to and a member of our dedicated project team will respond as quickly as possible.

Written by

Anne Hatinen
Electronic Resources Librarian
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