by Sara Ring
Quick Summary
Several returning and new staff will be attending SDLA 2024 in Aberdeen, staffing the Minitex booth, and presenting sessions. Stop by and chat with us!

Minitex staff are looking forward to attending the 2024 South Dakota Library Association (SDLA) Annual Conference in Aberdeen. Stop by the Minitex booth and meet our new products coordinator, Dana Kocienda, who can share information with you about discounted pricing on library products such as barcode scanners, labels, RFID tags, and more. Returning staff you may also see at the booth include Greg Argo (Open Education and Affordable Content Librarian), Elissah Becknell (Cataloging and Metadata Education Librarian), Sara Ring (Continuing Education Librarian), and Director Maggie Snow.
Minitex staff are also presenting sessions about AI in libraries, compassionate librarianship, and open education resources.
Open Educational Resources (OER): A Panel Discussion on Support and Networking in South Dakota Libraries
Thursday, September 26, 11:30 a.m.
Presenters: Greg Argo, Minitex; Kelly Thompson, Mikkelsen Library; Shari Theroux, HM Briggs Library
Exploring Creative Applications of AI Together
Friday, September 27, 9:00 a.m.
Presenters: Elissah Becknell and Sara Ring, Minitex
Critically Compassionate Library Workplaces
Friday, September 27, 11:30 a.m.
Presenter: Elissah Becknell, Minitex
We’ll see you in Aberdeen on September 25-27!