by Lizzy Baus
Quick Summary
On February 8, the RDA Steering Committee (previously known as the Joint Steering Committee) released the latest round of Fast Track changes and updates to RDA.

On February 8, the RDA Steering Committee (previously known as the Joint Steering Committee) released the latest round of Fast Track changes and updates to RDA. You can read the full summary of the changes here:
Of note are several new and revised relationship designators, including:
- censor
- photographer (expression) -- this refers to photographs used as supplementary content, as in the illustrations in a book, rather than the primary content
- restorationist (expression) -- this is broad enough not to be restricted to art materials and includes people who take unfinished or lost works and "reconstruct" or refashion them as they might have once appeared
- several interpersonal/social designators, including "colleague" (and sub-types), "friend", and "fellow student", among others.
The RSC has also done away with the definitions for "male," "female," and "not known (gender)" and revised the instructions for assigning gender to "Select a term from a standard list, if available."
Many examples have also been changed to include initial articles in preferred titles, as the default rule instructs, although the Alternative and several other examples throughout the text drop the initial article.