by Zach Miller
Quick Summary
The Minnesota Learning Commons is "refreshing" its Coordinating Committee with the goal of better representing the diversity of its member organizations. Applications for the eight available seats must be submitted by April 26.

Text courtesy of the Minnesota Learning Commons.
Over the past few months, the MnLC Executive and Coordinating Committees have been discussing a “refresh” of the Coordinating Committee. One of the goals of this refresh is to increase the representation of a variety of institutions, regions, and roles reflected in our membership.
This year, there are eight (8) seats available for applicants who, if selected by the Application Review Committee, would serve a three year term beginning in September 2024 and ending in May 2027. Applications will be accepted until Friday, April 26, 2024. We are seeking applicants working in the online and digital education sector from:
- Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, especially from institutions in the SW and SE regions.
- The University of Minnesota, especially from the Crookston, Duluth, Extension, Morris, and Rochester campuses.
- K-12 public schools, especially from member school districts and charter schools in the service cooperatives in Region 1, 2 & 3 (NE), Region 4&5 (Lake Country & Brainerd), Region 6&8 (SW W Central), Region 10 (SE) (Microsoft Excel file).
- “At-large” members, especially those representing workforce development, adult education and training, and community-based organizations.
Coordinating Committee Logistics
The MnLC Coordinating meets monthly on the first Thursday of each month from 2:30-4:00 pm. Members also participate in additional work groups and committees depending on the projects underway.
All meetings are conducted virtually. The MnLC also hosts an annual MnLC Learning and Technology Summit that is open to all educators interested in issues of quality digital and online learning. The 2024 MnLC Summit on Learning and Technology will be held on August 8, 2024 at St. Cloud State University.
Application Form
The application form for the MnLC Coordinating Committee membership is available online. Applications will be accepted until Friday, April 26, 2024.
Questions on the MnLC, Coordinating Committee, or application can be directed to Mary Mehsikomer, Outreach Facilitator, Sourcewell, at or by phone to 651-999-6510.
About the Minnesota Learning Commons
The mission of the Minnesota Learning Commons (MnLC), a joint powers partnership between the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE), University of Minnesota, and Minnesota State, is to promote high quality, online, blended, digital learning and support educators teaching in online, blended, and digital learning environments. The MnLC executes its mission through three primary areas of focus: professional development, collaborative projects, and advocacy for effective digital learning policy and practice. The MnLC is committed to advancing racial justice, equity and inclusion in online and digital learning as a core component of this mission.
To carry out this mission, the MnLC brings together representatives from K-12 and higher education to advocate for, research, and create a shared network of resources on quality digital and online learning experiences.
The MnLC is organized by an Executive Committee composed of representatives from the three partnership organizations. The MnLC work is guided by participation of K-12 and higher education representatives from Minnesota’s education systems on a Coordinating Committee.
Coordinating committee members help the group achieve its goals by:
- Actively participating in monthly meetings Sept-May.
- Actively engaging with constituent networks.
- Help MnLC achieve its mission by engaging in one or more of the following example activities:
- Serve on the MSLT planning committee
- Recruit presenters and attendees for the MSLT
- Produce a white paper on an issue
- Coordinate a professional learning opportunity such as a webinar
- Create and share professional development resources
- Produce marketing and communications about MnLC activities
- Participate in a collaborative project together with other CC members
- Present to the CC on a topic of interest
- Contribute to the MnLC Report
- Recruit CC members/reviewing applications
- Advocate on behalf of the MnLC
More detailed information on the MnLC can be found on the MnLC website.