Quick Summary
Your coffee creamer experience is about to get better! Learn how to choose the right creamer, avoid misleading nutrition labels, and enhance your coffee experience with eLibrary Minnesota.

Coffee. It is a daily pleasure that most partake in. The right cup can set you on course for a successful day. But unless you are one of those weirdos who drink their coffee black (I am one of those weirdos sometimes), chances are you are using some creamer to dilute and/or enhance your drink. But you might be using creamer wrong! Let’s use the resources available on eLibrary Minnesota to figure out the do’s and don'ts.
There is a diverse selection of creamers to choose from. But are we always using them the right way? Lindsay Moyer and Jennifer Urban explore the best ways to use creamer for your coffee in their article, “What's Brewing? The Best Coffee Drinks & Creamers.” They implore us to understand the difference between the types of creamers available. Learning the differences between dairy, plant milk, and sugar/oil options can help narrow your choices and avoid ones packed with saturated oils and hidden additives. It is essential to be mindful of servings sizes as well, which vary drastically from product to product. This could mean the difference between a relatively healthy cup and a sugar-packed malt. This article makes it easier by providing an in-depth guide that categorizes and ranks the seemingly endless variety of creamers and offers recommendations for the ones you should try. Check this article out and step up your creamer game!
Because of the abundance of creamer options, companies are forced to find ways to stand out. Examples include advertising “fat-free” or “sugar-free” alternatives. In “Coffee Quake: EXPLOSION IN THE JAVA AISLES,” Jayne Hurley and Bonnie Liebman warn us about misleading claims and nutrition labels that can turn your morning cup into one packed with sugar and oils. An example they give is Nestle’s Original Creamer, which claims to be a fat-free product. Upon further inspection, though, Nestle’s claim unravels. Companies are allowed to promote products as “fat-free” when there is less than 0.5 grams of fat per serving. But Nestle’s serving size is just a single TEASPOON, not nearly enough for a modern cup of coffee. Read the full article to make sure you aren’t getting fooled!
The creamer you use is completely up to you, but it’s wise to take a step back to understand the product. The confusing number of options makes it tempting to stick to just one, but exploring alternatives might enhance your coffee experience. Being mindful of misleading nutrition labels also offer the added bonus of helping you avoid an afternoon crash. Make informed decisions about your coffee consumption by doing research in eLibrary Minnesota!