by Zach Miller
Quick Summary
OCLC Research and the OCLC Global Council have partnered to develop this survey, open through Monday, March 20. The survey takes approximately 30 minutes to complete.

Text courtesy of OCLC.
There’s still time to participate in the OCLC survey, “Redefining the library experience,” which focuses on the evolving library experience. OCLC Research and the OCLC Global Council have partnered to develop this global survey, and your input will be a key part of the original research that OCLC will publish in mid-2023.
The survey is now open through Monday, 20 March 2023, to all libraries, regardless of type, size, or location. For an investment of approximately 30 minutes, you can contribute your insights and expertise to research that will provide new knowledge on how libraries are evolving the library experience to create more meaningful engagement and bring impactful change to the communities they serve across the globe.
This survey is part of the 2023 Global Council area of focus, “Redefining the library experience.” The area of focus work is an annual member engagement initiative hosted in partnership by the Global Council and OCLC Research. Learn more at We look forward to hearing from you.