by Zach Miller
Quick Summary
State Library Services, a division of the Minnesota Department of Education, is seeking new members to fill open slots on its BIPOC Advisory Committee. The committee was initially formed in April 2021.
Text courtesy of State Library Services.
The BIPOC Advisory Committee of State Library Services was formed in April 2021 with 12 BIPOC library workers from across Minnesota. During that first year, the group met regularly, established norms, and planned the inaugural Minnesota BIPOC Library Workers Summit. Now, we are seeking new members to fill open slots and accomplish even more together.
Additional information is available on the State Library Services BIPOC Advisory Committee Info Sheet. If you have questions, contact Ashley Bieber ( or Verena Getahun (
Frequently asked questions
How are committee members paid?
Members are paid a stipend at a rate of $50/hour. Members who attend meetings will receive a stipend form to sign and return to State Library Services. Members will need to register as a state vendor via the Minnesota Supplier Portal to receive payment either by check or direct deposit.
How long are meetings and where are they held?
Meetings are held virtually over Zoom for 90 minutes.
What projects and activities does the Advisory Committee work on?
In 2022, the first year of the committee’s existence, the work was focused on the BIPOC Library Workers Summit. Committee members helped plan the full-day session, suggesting speakers and advising on logistics. In the future, the committee’s work will be determined by members, but will include ongoing advising with a racial equity lens on State Library Services’ initiatives.
What technology do members need to participate?
Meetings are held online using Zoom videoconferencing software. Members and State Library Services staff communicate primarily using email. We can work with you to provide accessibility accommodations.
This is a paid position, so how do I fit this into my work schedule?
Committee members work with their supervisors to attend meetings in a way that does not conflict with other duties. If you are in need of support, advice or creative solutions in order to participate, please let us know.
How do I apply?
Fill out the Interest Form. A subcommittee will be reviewing interest forms and contacting people in September and October 2022 to fill any open slots on the committee.