Quick Summary
Attending the North Dakota Library Association Annual Conference? Here are a few places you can see and visit with Minitex staff members Anne Hatinen (Electronic Resources Librarian), Sara Ring (Continuing Education Librarian), and Director Maggie Snow.

Attending the North Dakota Library Association Annual Conference? Here are a few places you can see and visit with Minitex staff members Anne Hatinen (Electronic Resources Librarian), Sara Ring (Continuing Education Librarian), and Director Maggie Snow.
Sara Ring will present the conference session "Introducing 23 Linked Data Things" on Thursday, October 6th, 1:45 - 2:45 p.m. Over the summer, a group of librarians launched a new free learning program providing library workers with opportunities to explore linked data at their own pace. 23 Linked Data Things is designed to introduce participants to the foundational concepts of linked data and library projects based on linked data principles. Maggie Snow and North Dakota State Librarian Mary Soucie will present the session "What's Cookin' at Libraries Around the Region" on Friday, October 7th, 10:00 - 11:00 a.m.
Stop by our booth to visit with us about all of the library product and e-resource discounts our Cooperative Purchasing and Electronic Resources staff can provide libraries in North Dakota. There will also be plenty of Minitex goodies and swag for our visitors. We can't wait to see everyone in person!
Photo by Wan J. Kim on Unsplash