by Sara Ring
Quick Summary
South Dakota Library Association Annual Conference, Rapid City, South Dakota, Sept. 23-25

South Dakota Library Association Annual Conference, Rapid City, South Dakota, Sept. 23-25
Come see us at the Minitex booth or at one of our presentations! Minitex staff attending include: Valerie Horton (Director); Lizzy Baus, Jolie Graybill, and Sara Ring (Digital Initiatives & Metadata Education); Rita Baladad (Cooperative Purchasing & Electronic Resources); Agnes Lee (Resource Sharing); and Kathy Drozd (Delivery).
Back to the Future: A Minitex Cataloging & Metadata Update
Presented by Jolie Graybill, Lizzy Baus, and Sara Ring, Digital Initiatives & Metadata Education
Friday, Sept. 25th, 10:00 a.m. - 10:50 a.m.
The future looks bright for library data as the library community has been working hard towards making our rich, authoritative library data even more shareable and usable on the web, where users often begin their search for information. Attend the Minitex cataloging & metadata update and learn about what’s new with RDA, BIBFRAME (the replacement for the MARC record) developments and examples of implementation; and other cataloging & metadata news
Developing 21st Century Library Skills
Presented by Valerie Horton, Director, Minitex
Friday, Sept. 25th, 11:00 a.m. - 11:50 a.m.
“The strongest leaders are those who are lifelong learners,” said the CEO of Pepsi. What skills do library staff need in an era of fierce competition, austerity, and rapidly changing patron behaviors? How can library employees flourish during uncertain times? This program looks at the big trends impacting our profession and the changing role of the library in the community. Those trends will be tied to concrete recommendations on how to acquire the new skill sets the professions needs. Trending skills covered include ways of creating and capturing local content, embedding staff outside the organization, technology integration, enhancing collaboration, building engagement into activities, and enhancing self-directed learning. An audience discussion on how attendees have personally gained library mastery will conclude the presentation.