by Sara Ring
Quick Summary
North Dakota Library Association Annual Conference, Jamestown, North Dakota, Sept. 16-19th

North Dakota Library Association Annual Conference, Jamestown, North Dakota, Sept. 16-19th
Along with our Director Valerie Horton, several other Minitex staff will be presenting, attending, and staffing the Minitex booth: Lizzy Baus & Jolie Graybill (Digital Initiatives & Metadata Education), Anne Hatinen (Cooperative Purchasing & Electronic Resources), and Carol Nelson (Resource Sharing).
Developing 21st Century Library Skills
Presented by Valerie Horton, Director, Minitex
Thursday, September 17th, 9:15 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
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Back to the Future: A Minitex Cataloging & Metadata Update
Presented by Jolie Graybill and Lizzy Baus, Digital Initiatives & Metadata Education
Thursday, Sept. 17th, 3:45 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
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