by Zach Miller
Quick Summary
Maybe you considered proposing a session at the conference, but didn't think you'd have enough content to fill 25 minutes, much less 50? Consider submitting a pre-recorded vignette, 5-7 minutes in length. This year, instead of designating a block of time for lightning talks, the lightning talks will be called "vignettes," and will be pre-recorded.

Text courtesy of Johnna Horton, Executive Director, PALS.
Is there something quick and interesting you'd like to share with your colleagues? Maybe you considered proposing a session at the conference, but didn't think you'd have enough content to fill 25 minutes, much less 50? Maybe you've found a new feature in Alma or Primo that might be useful for people to know about! Or maybe you've put together a subject guide to address a topic others might find interesting!
Consider submitting a pre-recorded vignette using our easy submission form. Please submit your proposed vignette by March 22.
Once we receive your form, someone from the PALS office will contact you with upload instructions. All videos need to be received by Monday, March 29.
Instead of a set time for the conference where multiple people present their lightning talks, the lightning talks will now be called "vignettes" and will be pre-recorded. This allows our conference attendees to see all the talks at their discretion, and allows you, as the presenter, to share information in a more informal way. To aid in discussion during the conference week (April 5 - 9), we'll set up Slack channels dedicated to the vignettes, so people can ask questions and follow up in an asynchronous format.
What does this mean for you? You will record your 5-7 minute vignette in an easily shareable medium.
Some options to consider:
- Record a Zoom meeting with a coworker/colleague on the call to deliver the content to an audience, so it feels more natural.
- Record your voice over a PowerPoint/Slides presentation and share the result (via link, file, etc.).
- However else is comfortable for you!
If you have questions or need encouragement, please email me, Johnna Horton, at