by Beth Staats
Quick Summary
Have you heard about the new workshop offered by MELSA? It's called, "How to Plan and Implement a Storytime for Grown Ups" and you can register for it here.
Have you heard about the new workshop offered by MELSA? It's called, "How to Plan and Implement a Storytime for Grown Ups" and you can register for it here. The information and programming that this 4-hour workshop will highlight are those aimed at retirees living in a senior residence. This session looks at programming and delivering stories to seniors where they live since many are unable to get into the library with any ease. Joe Manion, Library Development and Services Specialist with State Library Services, and Tim Claussen, Reader and Trainer, presented a similar session at the MLA Conference. Storytimes for adults have been cropping up around the globe including Vancouver where they offer an adult storytime twice a month over the lunch hour and read selections from books on a particular theme.