by Zach Miller
Quick Summary
The MnPALS virtual spring conference, Flexibility in Library Services: Rediscovering Our Work, will be held April 5-9, 2021. All sessions will take place between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. and the conference will have two themes, "Making the Most of Alma/Primo VE" and "Moving Beyond the ILS." The conference is free to attend. The planning committee is currently accepting session proposals using an online form. The deadline to submit a proposal is January 22.

Text courtesy of Johnna Horton, executive director, PALS.
The world of libraries is continually changing, which has never been more apparent than in the past year. Though the last few months have been demanding, libraries have met every obstacle with innovation and resilience. Through teamwork and outreach, libraries have remained flexible to sustain crucial services through unprecedented changes. In recognition of our shared experiences, MnPALS will be hosting a FREE virtual conference: Flexibility in Library Services: Rediscovering our Work.
Have you had to devise new workarounds, shift services, or rethink pre-existing policies? Maybe amidst these challenges, you’ve found opportunities to improve processes and workflows to better respond to the needs of your community.
Consider sharing your experience and expertise with library colleagues at the MnPALS virtual spring conference April 5-9, 2021. All sessions will take place between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. (CST). Sessions can take the form of short presentations, long presentations, lightning rounds, or panels, and will be thematically divided into the following categories:
- Making the Most of Alma/Primo VE
- Moving Beyond the ILS
Selection criteria include:
- Title
- Abstract
- Track
- Presenter Information
- Relevance and Originality
Examples of sessions could include (but aren’t limited to):
- How you’ve adjusted your technical processes for Alma/Primo VE
- The impact of the pandemic on your services
- Assessing the pivot to virtual services
- Open Educational Resources work
- Moving to a more action-oriented approach to diversity, equity, and inclusion
- Or anything else you would like to share with your colleagues!
Enter your conference proposal using the online submission form. The deadline for submissions is January 22, 2021. Please direct any questions to Johnna Horton,
Minimum technical requirements:
- Basic Zoom knowledge
- Computer with speakers and microphone (headset preferred)
- Stable internet connection
- Quiet space for presenting
We hope to see you at the conference!
The MnPALS conference planning committee:
- Erin Balerud, Minnesota State University Moorhead
- Adam Bezdicek, Pine Technical College and Anoka Technical College
- Robin Ewing, St. Cloud State University
- Johnna Horton, PALS
- Scott Kaihoi, Bethel University
- Dani Kroon, PALS
- DeeDee Narum, Bemidji State University
- David Philip Norris, St. Catherine University
- Etta Thornburg, PALS