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Quick Summary

All stakeholders have an interest in ensuring that properly licensed content is made accessible and usable to the authorized communities. Content providers want to minimize reasons for cancellation (due to under-utilization) while maximizing efficiencies in their business.


All stakeholders have an interest in ensuring that properly licensed content is made accessible and usable to the authorized communities. Content providers want to minimize reasons for cancellation (due to under-utilization) while maximizing efficiencies in their business. Libraries want to ensure that users aren’t blocked from content to which they should have rights. What are the intricacies that create challenges in navigating users to the materials they've identified as relevant to their work? In this session, information industry professionals talk about the technological and communication challenges that may be standing in the way of a successful connection.

Written by

Beth Staats
Outreach & Instruction Librarian, Ebooks MN Coordinator