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Quick Summary

In order to implement artificial intelligence in a meaningful way, organizations with large collections of data must ensure that they have the support they need for processing, analyzing, and extracting meaningful data.


In order to implement artificial intelligence in a meaningful way, organizations with large collections of data must ensure that they have the support they need for processing, analyzing, and extracting meaningful data. Typically, this involves working with a technology provider with AI expertise. But what do you need to know before engaging their services? This event will help you answer this question by  learning from the experience of others, as speakers from a variety of backgrounds address the practical needs, barriers, and benefits of embarking upon this process.

**Please note that registering for the webinar will ensure that you recieive a link to the recording for veiwing at your convenience.  Due to licensing, etc., you will not be able to view the event in real-time.

Written by

Beth Staats
Outreach & Instruction Librarian, Ebooks MN Coordinator