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The growth of digital books in the broader market has slowed.  But it has settled at a significant portion of the popular book market.


The growth of digital books in the broader market has slowed.  But it has settled at a significant portion of the popular book market. Ebook packages of scholarly monographs and the availability of ebooks collections available for the library market continue to increase, as publishers become more comfortable with offerings via library channels.  While the market for ebooks matures, the systems for managing delivery of ebooks continue to develop.  While dominant players remain, other entrants are providing innovative solutions for publishers and libraries. During this virtual conference, we will explore the changes taking place in the marketplace for electronic books and how those developments are impacting the availability of digital books for patrons.  In addition to business trends, the interconnected issues of content forms, platforms and devices for accessing ebooks will also be covered.  

Written by

Beth Staats
Outreach & Instruction Librarian, Ebooks MN Coordinator