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Quick Summary

The Web, as a publishing medium, is increasingly important. We live in an age when a publication or an app may not be a self-contained object or artifact, but rather a combination of browser functionality and HTML-formatted content.


The Web, as a publishing medium, is increasingly important. We live in an age when a publication or an app may not be a self-contained object or artifact, but rather a combination of browser functionality and HTML-formatted content. On the one hand, providers may be able to offer a more interactive and engaging reading experience than is currently possible with a static page. On the other hand, there are challenges in delivering that experience. Some genres (poetry, mathematical expressions, etc.) have highly specific requirements for placement, expression and rendering. How will content providers deliver that to the reader? What are the workflow considerations for production? For libraries -- both those with publishing responsibilities as well as collection or archiving responsibilities -- what new complexities are introduced for long-term preservation? For support of different devices? This six hour virtual conference will examine next steps in moving beyond what we think of as being the "printed page". 

Written by

Beth Staats
Outreach & Instruction Librarian, Ebooks MN Coordinator