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About the Webinar

As Open Access has proven itself a viable business model in the marketplace of journals, institutions are beginning to grapple with the implications and ramifications of its success.


About the Webinar

As Open Access has proven itself a viable business model in the marketplace of journals, institutions are beginning to grapple with the implications and ramifications of its success. This includes the practicalities of how to manage acquisitions in a hybrid open access environment, dealing with discovery implications of open access, and institutional compliance with funder mandates. This two part series will explore the practical issues of a world in which open access becomes the norm for some segment of scholarly communications.

The first part of this miniseries will focus on the implications of open access on content acquisition. What are the impacts of hybrid open access on publisher pricing at a title or collection level?  Is there a tipping point where open access availability of a portion of a title’s content will change the calculus about acquiring a title for one’s collection?  How do we keep track of the increasing number of open access titles and the increasing amount of hybrid open access content at a journal level? Presenters will cover these questions as well as provide information on research to explore these issues.

The second part of this miniseries will examine how institutions address compliance requirements of funder mandates. As more and more funding bodies adopt mandates for open distribution of content, at many universities the tracking of this compliance is falling on the library directly or in support of research offices.  Are there ways to automate compliance tracking and strategies for improving compliance? This session will explore progress being made by initiatives to gather and disseminate open access compliance, as well as the perspective of funders who are requiring this information.

Written by

Beth Staats
Outreach & Instruction Librarian, Ebooks MN Coordinator