Quick Summary
Archival research need not be intimidating or confusing to novice researchers. Those students just learning for the first time how to discover rich primary sources on their topic or researchers who may need a refresher on the contents of a finding aid will find this new

Archival research need not be intimidating or confusing to novice researchers. Those students just learning for the first time how to discover rich primary sources on their topic or researchers who may need a refresher on the contents of a finding aid will find this new tutorial quite helpful! The University of Minnesota Libraries, Twin Cities Instructional Design Team assisted the University Archives and Special Collections staff in creating their latest online tutorial, How to Read and Use a Finding Aid.
Check it out! Perhaps it can be a good tutorial example for archival research, if your library doesn't have something like it. Or perhaps it can also be of use for History Day students visiting the University Libraries for research. It’s great for students and something I wish I had as an undergraduate history major!