by Beth Staats
Quick Summary
EdTech Focus On K-12 offers an article about modernizing learning in the 21st-century school titled, "Technology trends reshape today's libraries."

EdTech Focus On K-12 offers an article about modernizing learning in the 21st-century school titled, "Technology trends reshape today's libraries."
School libraries need to offer flexible design and furniture so students can move things around to suit their needs. They should also aim to meet all types of learners' needs, and they should be the place where students are introduced to as much technology as possible. The school librarian, media specialist, or whoever is in charge of the library should be "trained and familiar with open education resources, selecting digital content and curriculum, and with instructional design strategies, so they can be a resource to the teachers in the building."
The author gives examples of schools and districts that are currently meeting modern learning needs. Check out the article here.