From State Library Services
Join Joe Manion, Library Development and Services Specialist with State Library Services, and Tim Claussen, Reader and Trainer, to learn how to create and deliver a storytime program designed for individuals living in senior residences (apartments, assisted living, care facilities, etc.).
During the training you will:
• Learn from the experiences of both national and local storytime programs for adults.
• Receive suggestions for choosing a theme to provide program cohesion.
• Share and brainstorm with others about authors and selections that fit your theme.
• Practice and/or observe “cold” readings and receive feedback and tips on reading selections.
• Receive guidance about contacting facilities, setting up a storytime space, interacting with residents, handling discussions, and obtaining audience feedback.
Participants are encouraged to complete some simple pre-work, which is optional.
• To help maximize your training time, come with a possible storytime theme (or two) that would appeal to senior residents in your library’s service area. Themes can be as specific as baseball or food or as general as seasons or holidays.
• Then--as inspiration strikes--add authors and story/excerpt selections that fit your theme to start fleshing out your storytime program.
• Bring two copies of one, lengthy paragraph (or similar-sized section) from a selection you have chosen. Depending on time, we will use the examples to practice delivery and stimulate brainstorming.
This free workshop is Thursday, March 3, 12:30-4:30 p.m., Roseville Library, 2180 North Hamline Ave., Roseville.
Register early as space is limited. The workshop is sponsored by MELSA and State Library Services. For more information, contact Joe Manion (651-582-8640).