Quick Summary
All members of the Minitex community are invited to attend public presentations for two candidates for the position of Minitex Director. The candidates will speak on the topic, “Navigating and innovating within a complex, collaborative environment: Opportunities and challenges for Minitex,” and will then engage in Q&A. You may attend in person or online.

All members of the Minitex community are invited to attend public presentations for two candidates for the position of Minitex Director. The candidates will speak on the topic, “Navigating and innovating within a complex, collaborative environment: Opportunities and challenges for Minitex,” and will then engage in Q&A. You may attend in person or online.
Candidate A
Date: Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Time: 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.
Location: Anderson Hall - Room 350, University of Minnesota
Curriculum vitae: Candidate A
Feedback: Please share your feedback in the online form for Candidate A
View online: Join Zoom Meeting for Candidate A
Candidate B
Date: Friday, November 22, 2019
Time: 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.
Location: Blegen Hall - Room 5, University of Minnesota
Curriculum vitae: Candidate B
Feedback: Please share your feedback in the online form for Candidate B
View online: Join Zoom Meeting for Candidate B
PLEASE NOTE: If you join online, please mute your microphone; you may send questions through the chat box.