by Matt Lee
Quick Summary
There’s that old saying “If you’re not paying for the product, you’re the product.” While it may not be true for all free products or services, I think we all recognize that we grant free apps downloaded to our phones a wide range of permissions.

There’s that old saying “If you’re not paying for the product, you’re the product.” While it may not be true for all free products or services, I think we all recognize that we grant free apps downloaded to our phones a wide range of permissions. At least we understand that in theory. A new infographic from Wired UK gets very specific in detailing the permissions we grant some of the most popular free apps.
The introductory text provides some examples: “Instagram can use your camera and microphone to record audio and take pictures and video, without asking you first. Gmail can read and modify your phone contacts. Viber has your precise GPS location at all times. Facebook can read all your text messages.” Setting aside the question of what the heck is Viber, the infographic clearly shows some of the details many of us may have skimmed over when agreeing to these apps’ terms of service.