by Rita Baladad
Quick Summary
In recent decades, the percentage of women in high-level leadership positions within academic libraries has increased to over 50%. While this seems like significant progress, women continue to represent at least 80% of the library workforce.

In recent decades, the percentage of women in high-level leadership positions within academic libraries has increased to over 50%. While this seems like significant progress, women continue to represent at least 80% of the library workforce. In this presentation, Melissa Prescott and Robin Ewing, librarians at St. Cloud State University, will address factors that contribute to the disproportionate number of women in leadership positions and identify obstacles for women to attain leadership roles. Prescott and Ewing assert that librarians must develop a critical awareness of the culture within academic libraries that continues to privilege men and masculine leadership traits as well as our individual roles in perpetuating that culture. Only then can we determine how we can change our language and behaviors surrounding work and leadership in order to encourage women to pursue leadership positions and to fully support them in these roles.
Presenters: Melissa Prescott, Associate Professor and Research Librarian; Robin Ewing, Professor and Research Librarian; St. Cloud State University