by Beth Staats
Quick Summary
With the new year fast approaching (maybe too fast for some), WiLS has laid out a plan by establishing some initivaties to help them move their mission forward and benefit their members in 2017.

With the new year fast approaching (maybe too fast for some), WiLS has laid out a plan by establishing some initivaties to help them move their mission forward and benefit their members in 2017. This is a great plan and I think we could all benefit from the groundwork they have laid out by incorporating these strategies into the mission of our own organizations. WiLS has created the following intitiaves through conversations they've had in many forums throughout the year and after board approval.
- Undertake a process to gain understanding and to start conversations around digital preservation.
- Share opportunities for members to participate in open access initiatives, and to participate in initiatives ourselves.
- Continue to develop our planning and consulting services by capitalizing on our existing work and developing potential areas of expansion.
- Expand our knowledge of using data.
- Learn more from inside and outside the state...and then share!
- Continue to look for ways to engage community members not yet engaged with our organization.
- Continue to improve internal operations and how we work.
Thank you to WiLS for sharing your strategic initiatives!