by Beth Staats
Quick Summary
Seeking poetry, short fiction, or art created by Minnesota library employees to publish a Pressbooks anthology of creative works by the Minnesota library community. All public, academic, special, and K-12 librar

Seeking poetry, short fiction, or art created by Minnesota library employees to publish a Pressbooks anthology of creative works by the Minnesota library community. All public, academic, special, and K-12 library employees are welcome to submit their work. All submissions will be accepted provided they are original works, and that they have not been published or performed for profit in other venues. Library-related topics are great but all subjects are welcome. The anthology will be an open Pressbooks publication made available on the Pressbooks platform. If not otherwise stated, all submissions will be granted a Creative Commons Attribution- NonCommercial- NoReivatives 4.0 International license.
Deadline for submissions is Friday, December 15, 2017.
This project has two goals:
1) To showcase the great talent in the Minnesota library community.
2) To learn how to use Pressbooks and teach others in the library community how to as well
Formatting requirements for text: Microsoft Word, 20 pages maximum
Formatting requirements for images: JPG, PNG, or GIF. 250KB maximum size, 300 dpi.
Contact Rachel Wexelbaum, Collection Management Librarian at SCSU, or Bridget Reistad, Librarian at Lake Superior College with questions or submissions.