by Carla Pfahl
Quick Summary
The Instruction Round Table of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) invites all interested librarians to delve deeper into the ACRL Framework for Information Liter

The Instruction Round Table of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) invites all interested librarians to delve deeper into the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education by taking part in the 23 Framework Things online program.
A few FAQs:
You! The program is intended for academic librarians but all are welcome to participate. We encourage instruction departments to participate together.
1. Read through the 23 prompts ("things") surrounding four varied aspects of the Framework (Pedagogy, Frame Focus, Assessment, At Your Institution)
2. Think about each prompt, doing additional reading and research as needed
3. Act by posting your thoughts in the comments or completing the activity described in the prompt
The self-paced program runs from now until October 5, 2017.
23 Framework Things website
Because you asked for it! We heard you loud and clear when you said you would like more support around the new ACRL IL Framework. This professional development program is designed to provide resources, support, and community to librarians engaging with the Framework.
Also, prizes!! Earn badges, buttons, and get entered into a drawing to win prizes for reaching different milestones (e.g. 1st thing completed, 2 tracks completed, all things completed). Though all librarians, regardless of location, are invited to participate, buttons and drawing entries are only available to Minnesota librarians.