Media Landscapes
Minitex News articles tagged with "Media Landscapes" (26):
Thing 6: Detecting Deepfakes
Join us as we go through the free, self-paced Media Landscapes: 23 Things curriculum this summer! You can start at the beginning, or hop on any time. This week, we are on Thing 6: Detecting Deepfakes.
Media Landscapes: 23 Things featured on Linking Our Libraries podcast
On a special bonus episode of the Linking Our Libraries podcast, we discuss the inception and goals of the Media Landscapes campaign and the free training program available to all library staff, Media Landscapes: 23 Things.
Thing 5: Synthetic Media
Join us as we go through the free, self-paced Media Landscapes: 23 Things curriculum this summer! You can start at the beginning, or hop on any time. This week, we are on Thing 5: Synthetic Media.
Thing 4: The Attention Economy
Join us as we go through the free, self-paced Media Landscapes: 23 Things curriculum this summer! You can start at the beginning, or hop on any time. This week, we are on Thing 4: The Attention Economy.
Thing 3: Propaganda
Join us as we go through the free, self-paced Media Landscapes: 23 Things curriculum this summer! You can start at the beginning, or hop on any time. This week, we are on Thing 3: Propaganda: Making Media Great Again.
Thing 2: Digital Literacy 101
Join us as we go through the free, self-paced Media Landscapes: 23 Things curriculum this summer! You can start at the beginning, or hop on any time. This week, we are on Thing 2: Digital Literacy 101, Everybody Googles.
Free summer PD opportunity! Media Landscapes: 23 Things
Looking for free, online, self-paced, relevant professional development this summer? Join us as we work through the new Media Landscapes: 23 Things curriculum each week. This week, we'll register and complete Thing 1.
Final Media Landscapes event before summer hiatus
Join us for the last Media Landscapes event on May 25th before the summer hiatus.
Media Landscapes: 23 Things
The seven Minnesota Multicounty Multitype Library Systems (Multitypes) have created a new '23 Things' series in collaboration with Minitex called Media Landscapes: 23 Things.
Deepfakes: Can you spot them?
In the second Media Landscapes webinar, John Mack Freeman discussed deepfakes: how they are made, what issues they present, and why libraries should care.