
- Must be eligible for Minitex interlibrary loan and delivery services.
- Designate individual(s) to act as contact with the MNLINK operations staff for technical and functional operations, training, maintenance, and support activities.
- Participate in the MNLINK Operations Committee and similar groups which may be established.
- Provide training and support on MNLINK system for the libraries affiliated with the Server Site.
- Report changes, Organization closures, and other factors that might affect access to the server, to the MNLINK operations staff in a timely manner.
- Interlibrary loan lending policies show a willingness to loan a wide variety of materials and formats.
- Institutions borrowing items through MNLINK are expected to pay any invoices for lost or damaged items that are presented by the loaning institution. Loaning institutions follow their own internal policies for billing borrowing institutions for lost or damaged items, including setting replacement costs and fees, setting minimum billing thresholds, and billing frequency.
- Materials eligible for interlibrary loan are included in the OCLC WorldCat database. Regular updates to the holdings are the responsibility of the libraries participating in MNLINK.
- Z39.50 Server Software: Operate Z39.50 server software compatible with the software running on MNLINK. The Z39.50 server must provide a robust and stable response time.
- Authentication Software: Operate server software capable of providing patron data required for user authentication on MNLINK.
- Provide configuration information as needed to the MNLINK operations staff.
- Must use interlibrary loan software that is compatible with MNLINK system.
Approved by the MNLINK Operations Committee, August 3, 2017.
Amended by the MNLINK Operations Committee, November 1, 2018.