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Minitex News articles tagged with "Ebooks Minnesota" (116):

Statewide book club to read "Slider" by Pete Hautman

One Book|One Minnesota, Minnesota's statewide book club, will read "Slider," by National Book Award-winner Pete Hautman. The book is available via Ebooks Minnesota through May 9:

Women's History Month and Ebooks Minnesota

This year we have the first female U.S. Vice President and the first woman coach in Super Bowl history. Women are beginning to get some of the recognition they deserve and that is why celebrating Women's History Month is more important now than ever. By recognizing the contributions of women throughout time, and in the present day, Women's History Month helps to open up that world of possibilities to young girls.

Ebooks Minnesota is celebrating 5 years

On February 28th of this year Ebooks Minnesota will be celebrating its 5th year as a Minitex program, thanks in part to MDE and State Library Services. What began as a pilot program in 2016 with just over 3,500 titles, has grown in scope and content to a whopping 11,000+ books. The best part is that it continues to grow.

Ebooks Minnesota statistics available for 2020

Ebooks Minnesota statistics are now available by city and public library group for the 2020 calendar year. If you're interested in seeing the number of users or sessions in your community you can access the data at Ebooks Minnesota usage by city or public library group, January 1–December 31, 2020.

Black History Month resources in ELM

Check out the Black History Month resources in eLibrary Minnesota.

Multicultural Children's Book Day is January 29th

January 29, 2021, is celebrated as Multicultural Children's Book Day, a day to "not only raise awareness for the kid’s books that celebrate diversity but to get more of these books into classrooms and libraries."

Celebrate Black History Month with Ebooks Minnesota

From the Civil Rights Movement to Michelle Obama, from Rosa Parks to Langston Hughes, from the Buffalo Soldiers to Stokely Carmichael, African Americans have contributed to the United States in countless ways and we celebrate them in February, as we should every month of the year, with Black History Month.

Books about the earth and our environment

Are your students learning about planet Earth? Maybe they're writing a report on global warming or oceans and forests. Or maybe they're learning about the impact humans make on the environment and aspects of climate change. Ebooks Minnesota has many books about these and other topics surrounding planet Earth.

Martin Luther King Jr.

Monday, January 18, 2021, is the 26th anniversary of the day of service that celebrates Martin Luther King Jr.'s life and legacy. We can read and learn about him while encouraging one another to work to improve our communities.

Diverse children's books in Ebooks Minnesota

Just as books are important to children, so too is diversity in children's books. Reading books about different cultures, religions, backgrounds, and people can help to instill love and inspire acceptance. This can happen anytime. During playtime, before bed, or anytime in between, a diverse book can be a great way to start the conversation and create a new way of thinking without children even realizing it.