Minitex News articles tagged with "Delivery" (27):

Minitex courier service has restarted
The Minitex courier service restarted on Monday, June 22, for those direct courier locations able to accept delivery. Many libraries have different hours, days open, building access locations, and procedures. We will do our best to accommodate all of these changes.

Restarting Physical Delivery Safely (REDS) Taskforce requests feedback
The REstarting Physical Delivery Safely (REDS) Taskforce brings together library leaders from across Minnesota to formulate a plan to restart the physical delivery of library materials statewide. While we don’t yet have an anticipated start date, a vigorous conversation is underway, including libraries of all shapes and sizes. We’re focusing on safety for staff and patrons, logistics, and how to reshape delivery to meet today's circumstances. Please review our Working Document, and reach out to me (my contact information is listed below) with your thoughts and ideas.

Minitex coronavirus update
In response to the coronavirus outbreak, the University of Minnesota has cancelled all staff travel, foreign and domestic, and eliminated in-person classes in favor of online instruction through April 1. Minitex Resource Sharing & Delivery services are currently suspended, but all other services are functioning as normal. Please fill out this form if your library's operations have been or will be disrupted in any way.

Upcoming snow event!
Good Afternoon! According to the current weather reports (and my father-in-law who is a farmer), we are on the cusp of a major snow event in the Southeast part of the state which includes the Twin Cities metro area. This will likely have an effect on the operation that Allian
What is Minitex?
Learn about the programs and services that Minitex provides to all Minnesotans and Minnesota libraries in this five-minute video.

New WMS bookmark to replace the interstate routing slips
Fred provides an update on the new bookmark being used by Minitex delivery to route materials requested using WorldShare.

Minitex to extend contracts with current couriers
Read Fred's courier update for delivery in our region.

Minitex seeks Associate Director for Resource Sharing and Delivery
Minitex invites applications for the position of Resource Sharing and Delivery Associate Director. Reporting to the Minitex Director, this person is responsible for providing organizational leadership and direction for Minitex Resource Sharing, MNLINK, and Delivery as well as representing and speaking on behalf of Minitex in local, regional, and national meetings.