Minitex News articles tagged with "CPERS" (215):
Legal referral resource for every Minnesota county
from the Minnesota State Law Library: Do you ever get questions from patrons about where they can get legal help? The State Law Library has put together legal referral sheets for every county in Minnesota. These can be a great...
Minitex webinar: Read That License! Fifteen Provisions to Look for in Electronic Resources Agreements
Read That License! Fifteen Provisions to Look for in Electronic Resources Agreements Monday, March 30, 2015 10:00 AM-11:00 AM (Central Time) When a vendor hands you an electronic resources agreement, do you blithely sign the license without reading it, relying...
AWE Early Literacy Station and Student Learning Center Group Purchase Offer
from AWE: The Student Learning Center is a breakthrough early literacy device that is changing the game for schools. Recently, a school reported a 55% increase in reading scores by using the Student Learning Centers in their classrooms. Find out...
Improvements Coming for CQ Press and SAGE Usage Reports
from Sage Publishing We're pleased to announce some upcoming changes to Secure Center, the administrative interface where you collect COUNTER usage reports for some of your CQ Press and SAGE products. On March 9, 2015, we will release improvements to:...
Browzine Update Webinars
from Third Iron: 2015 is going to be the most exciting year for BrowZine users yet and you're invited to learn more! Please join company founders CEO Kendall Bartsch and President John Seguin for a sixty minute preview of the...
Further migration information about Oxford Language Dictionaries Online
from Oxford University Press We're pleased to announce that Oxford Language Dictionaries Online migrated from its former home to join our premium English and Arabic modules at OxfordDictionaries.com, creating a single destination for users to explore the language of today....
Oxford Art and Oxford Music Usage Reporting - Missing Data April - October 2014
from Oxford University Press As you are likely aware, Oxford moved to a new usage reporting system earlier this year. Two of the last products to move into our usage portal were Oxford Music Online and Oxford Art Online, which...
ProQuest Maintenance Window February 28, 2015
On February 28, 2015, ProQuest will be upgrading its systems infrastructure to improve performance, security, and overall reliability of your products. The window is scheduled to begin at 10 p.m. Eastern Standard Time and will last for five (5) hours:...
AWE Early Literacy Station and Student Learning Center Group Purchase Offer
from AWE: The Student Learning Center is a breakthrough early literacy device that is changing the game for schools. Recently, a school reported a 55% increase in reading scores by using the Student Learning Centers in their classrooms. Find out...
NISO White Paper Explores the Future of Library Resource Discovery
The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) has published a white paper, The Future of Library Resource Discovery, written by independent consultant, speaker, and author Marshall Breeding. The white paper was commissioned by NISO's Discovery to Delivery (D2D) Topic Committee as...