Minitex News articles tagged with "BIBFRAME" (17):

Upcoming ALCTS webinars
The Association for Library Collections and Technical Services (ALCTS) is offering several webinars in the coming weeks that you might like to attend. You can view the list and register for sessions on the ALCTS Online Learning page.

Save the date for the Minitex Technical Services Symposium!
This inaugural conference will focus on what technical services practitioners face in the near and middle future. Topics will include Linked Data, BIBFRAME, and local practices happening right now in a library near you.

Highlights from ASIST webinar: From MARC silos to linked data silos?
In the February 28 ASIST webinar "From MARC silos to linked data silos?" Osma Suominen of the National Library of Finland addressed the more practical aspects of moving from a MARC-based world to a Linked Data one. In discussing the current situation, Suominen notes that there are many different approaches in use, for modeling and encoding data. He points out that the "proliferation of data models limits the reusability of bibliographic data. In effect, libraries have moved from MARC silos to Linked Data silos of incompatible data models."

Highlights from ALCTS webinar: Linked Data Cataloging Workflows
Linked Data Cataloging Workflows is the sixth and final webinar in the From MARC to BIBFRAME series, presented by Xiaoli Li, and offered by the Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS). The presenter covered the following topics: Background on the BIBFLOW project, cataloging workflows with BIBFRAME, and skills and training.

Highlights from ALCTS webinar: Modeling and Encoding Serials in BIBFRAME
Modeling and Encoding Serials in BIBFRAME is the 5th webinar in the From MARC to BIBFRAME series, presented by Gloria Gonzalez (Zepheira), and offered by the Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS). The presenter covered recent efforts to map serials to BIBFRAME, issues that serials catalogers encounter using BIBFRAME, possible models for MARC to BIBFRAME serials conversion, tools for cataloging serials in a BIBFRAME environment, and how to get involved.

Highlights from ALCTS webinar: How to get from here to BIBFRAME
This 4th webinar in the ALCTS From MARC to BIBFRAME series continued discussing how to prepare our MARC data and cataloging departments for transition to BIBFRAME. Carl Stahmer spoke of the transition in two phases: “Have your MARC and eat it too,” in which we work within the MARC format to enhance our data and being to utilize Linked Data; and “Native Linked Data,” in which we operate in a Linked Data environment from start to finish, without conversion of data to and from MARC.

Highlights from ALCTS webinar: Embedding URIs in MARC using MarcEdit
Embedded URI in MARC: An Essential for Linked Data is the 3rd webinar in the From MARC to BIBFRAME series, presented by Jackie Shieh from (George Washington University Libraries), and offered by the Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS). The speaker continued discussing how to prepare our MARC data for transition to BIBFRAME, covered the benefits and challenges to embedding URIs into our bibliographic resources, suggested workflows for inserting URIs, and demonstrated using the open source software MarcEdit for batch look-up and insertion of URIs in bibliographic records

Highlights from ALCTS webinar: Putting the Link in Linked Data
I attended Putting the Link in Linked Data, the 2nd webinar in the From MARC to BIBFRAME series, offered by the Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS). This article summarizes the concept of a URI, how it's related to linked data and BIBFRAME, and possible workflows for getting URIs in our MARC records. Each webinar in the series builds off the one before it, so there will be several more articles published about the series which runs through November, 2016.

Recording available: Library of Congress BIBFRAME developments
The Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS) recently offered a free webinar outlining the Library of Congress' BIBFRAME-related initiatives. Several speakers discussed completed, ongoing, and upcoming projects, including LC's BIBFRAME Pilot Phases 1 and 2, implementation of BIBFRAME version 2.0 in various tools, and development of new BIBFRAME profiles. They also spoke of the relationship between RDA and BIBFRAME 2.0 as well as several Linked Data projects outside the Library of Congress.The recording and slides from this very informative webinar are now freely available on the ALCTS website.

Recording available for "New and next: A review of BIBFRAME updates from NISO and ALA"
At a recent webinar, Lizzy Baus summarized new information about BIBFRAME and library linked data projects gleaned from sessions at the 2016 American Library Association Annual Conference and a recent NISO virtual conference. You can watch the recording for free here.