Minitex News articles tagged with "ALCTS" (15):

Upcoming ALCTS training in the new year
As 2018 winds to a close, it's time to look ahead to next year and some of the professional development opportunities available. The Association for Library Collections and Technical Services (ALCTS) has many online offerings, including e-forums, webinars, and online courses.

Upcoming ALCTS webinars
The Association for Library Collections and Technical Services (ALCTS) is offering several webinars in the coming weeks that you might like to attend. You can view the list and register for sessions on the ALCTS Online Learning page.

ALCTS webinar summary: Introduction to Python and PyMARC, Part 2
I attended the Association for Library Collections & Technical Services webinar Introduction to Python and PyMARC: Session 2. Presenter Lauren Magnusson (California State University San Marcos) continued her discussion of some of the many uses for the Python programming language and the PyMARC module.

ALCTS webinar summary: Introduction to Python and PyMARC, Part 1
I attended the Association for Library Collections & Technical Services webinar Introduction to Python and PyMARC: Session 1. The presenter, Lauren Magnusson (California State University San Marcos), gave a really nice introduction to the programming language Python and how it could be useful to library staff working with bibliographic data. Python is robust and can be used for writing scripts to clean up, transform, and analyze data. PyMARC is the module used for working with MARC records specifically.

Upcoming ACLTS E-forum: Power that is Moral: Cataloging and Ethics
ALA ALCTS will host a free e-Forum on Tuesday, 9/5/2017 and Wednesday, 9/6/2017 discussing the ethics of cataloging. This is part of an ongoing series of e-Forums, which offer opportunity for anyone to contribute ideas or stories. One of the moderators is Minnesota's own Violet Fox. Catalogers know that the decisions they make in their work can enhance or obscure access to resources. Instructions when applying subject headings are framed in the arguably unattainable prescription to strive for neutrality. Neither the ALA Code of Ethics or the 1994 Guidelines for ALCTS Members to Supplement the American Library Association Code of Ethics speak specifically to the day-to-day challenges faced by catalogers—how would a code written with cataloging practice in mind be useful?

Preconference report: Outreach and Inclusivity in Digital Libraries and Institutional Repositories
In a June 6 Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS) preconference, presenters from East Carolina University and Columbia University described their efforts and projects to create more community-based and inclusive digital collections.

Upcoming ALCTS e-Forum: Life-cycle Management of Digital Assets
The ALCTS e-Forum: Life-cycle Management of Digital Assets will take place April 18-19, 2017. This e-Forum is free and open to everyone. Each day, discussion begins at 9:00 a.m. and ends and 5:00 p.m.(central). Here's the full description and information about how to register.

Upcoming ALCTS webinar: Cataloging, Gender, and RDA Rule 9.7
The Association for Library Collections and Technical Services (ALCTS), a division of ALA, is offering a webinar exploring the issues surrounding RDA Rule 9.7. This is the rule that concerns recording a person's gender in the name authority record. Previously the instructions provided exactly three controlled-vocabulary options: male, female, or not known. This webinar will provide a basic introduction to queer theory and gender non-binary identities, explain the process a group of catalogers took to get the rule changed, and describe current best practices for recording gender in RDA name authority records.

Highlights from ALCTS webinar: Linked Data Cataloging Workflows
Linked Data Cataloging Workflows is the sixth and final webinar in the From MARC to BIBFRAME series, presented by Xiaoli Li, and offered by the Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS). The presenter covered the following topics: Background on the BIBFLOW project, cataloging workflows with BIBFRAME, and skills and training.

Highlights from ALCTS webinar: Modeling and Encoding Serials in BIBFRAME
Modeling and Encoding Serials in BIBFRAME is the 5th webinar in the From MARC to BIBFRAME series, presented by Gloria Gonzalez (Zepheira), and offered by the Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS). The presenter covered recent efforts to map serials to BIBFRAME, issues that serials catalogers encounter using BIBFRAME, possible models for MARC to BIBFRAME serials conversion, tools for cataloging serials in a BIBFRAME environment, and how to get involved.