National History Day
Minitex News articles tagged with "National History Day" (15):

MDL publishes National History Day resource guide on Turning Points
The Minnesota Digital Library has published a resource guide exploring this year’s National History Day theme, "Turning Points in History," using materials from our digital collections.

MDL exhibit explores National History Day theme: Frontiers in History
The Minnesota Digital Library has published a resource guide exploring this year's National History Day theme: Frontiers in History using materials from our digital collections.

New Minnesota Digital Library exhibit: History Day Resources
The Minnesota Digital Library recently published an online exhibition that shares National History Day Resources. This exhibit highlights the array of resources available to students, parents, and teachers.

History Day resources available in Ebooks Minnesota
If you're working with students on a National History Day 2022 project, Ebooks Minnesota has loads of books relevant to this year's theme, Debate & Diplomacy in History.

Communication in History: Ebooks Minnesota History Day curation
As students start choosing topics and researching this year's National History Day theme, you can direct them to the Ebooks Minnesota, Communication in History curation.

Library Team of the Year at State History Day
The Minitex Reference Outreach and Instruction (ROI) unit has been awarded the "Library Team of the Year" award at the State History Day competition.

Minnesota Students Take Home Top Awards at National History Day
Last week hundreds of middle and high school students from across the nation met in Washington D.C. to compete in the National History Day finals. Students from nine schools representing Minnesota took home awards and top honors. Here are the results from Team Minnesota:

National History Day This Week!
National History Day national contest is taking place this week, June 10 - 14, 2018, at the University of Maryland-College Park. Follow our Minnesota students @mnhistoryday for the latest coverage!

Attend the Gopherbaloo for History Day research help
On Saturday, January 13, 2018, from 1 to 5 p.m. the University of Minnesota Libraries will sponsor its annual "Gopherbaloo," a History Day help event modeled on History Day Hullabaloos organized by the Minnesota Historical Society.