Minitex News articles tagged with "MLA" (13):

Minitex exhibits and offers sessions at MLA
Minitex staff will be exhibiting and presenting several sessions at the Minnesota Library Association's Annual Conference at RiverCentre, in St. Paul, on October 4th and 5th.

ITEM to join MLA as division
The Information and Technology Educators of Minnesota (ITEM) membership has voted to merge with and become a division of the Minnesota Library Association starting in 2022.

Tips for finding and using existing bibliographic records
The first in a series of articles on cataloging help based on survey results from Minnesota librarians.

Cataloging needs survey open
Does your library have questions about cataloging? Please fill out this survey so we can best meet your needs!

RA is a team sport
In their Reader's Advisory 101 webinar, a panel of Minnesota librarians offered useful RA advice and resources to librarians across the U.S.

Join us for the Library Instruction Online Mini UnConference
The Instruction Round Table of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) invites all interested librarians and library staff to take part in our Library Instruction On

MLA Workshop: Introduction to Anti-Racist Pedagogy for Librarians
MLA Instruction Round Table Workshop: Introduction to Anti-Racist Pedagogy for Librarians
Sponsored by the University of St. Thomas Libraries

Come see DIME staff at 2018 fall conferences
If you're heading to any of these conferences in South Dakota, North Dakota, and Minnesota, look for the following presentations by Minitex Digital Initiatives and Metadata Education (DIME) staff. See you there!

Free online instructional design program
From Anne Beschnett & Trent Brager, MLA Instruction Round Table Co-Chairs
Are you like us? Have you been putting off creating that online tutorial? Have you found yourself saying, “I’ll get to that this summer”? Well, it’s summer - and we have an online program for you!
Connect with colleagues at a conference
Conferences can be a great opportunity to network, to expand your job knowledge, and to give you new perspectives on your daily work. Plan ahead for some conferences of interest to resource sharing staff.